So in an effort to see if anybody really reads this silly blog, we are asking for your help. Leave us a comment about a new cake and it will put a smile on our faces! :-)
We know our posts can be somewhat scattered and random...chalk that up to blogger being so finicky and lack of time, and really no good reason, but if we know you are reading, well then, we will do better!
Oh yeah...I am NOT the world's best cake decorator, not even pretty good, but my little men appreciate my effort, so...............KEEP IT SIMPLE! Shout out to Dad, (keep it simple, stupid!)
By the way, Sonj, is right beside me adding her 2 cents and grammar etiquette. So if there are spelling or grammar errors, it is HER fault!!!
***Sonj here...just thought I'd let ya'll know that half the stuff I say, she (carm) doesn't listen to anyways!
***I am the BIG sister, Sonj!
Enough. Anyways, PLEASE leave us a comment, it will make our day!!!
Okay, so you two are hilarious... has really great cake ideas! And they have some really cool cupcakes you can make too! Check it out.
haha, you two! I totally understand your plight, Carm...I was on the very same hunt years ago, feeling like I'd done it all. They should give us cake-decorating classes in the maternity ward. I recently saw a cake that looked exactly like a big you haven't done that one yet! There will come a time when those boys will not care if you spent all day making a cake in the shape of Superman, but they will take notice only of the taste and the amount of pieces they get to partake of! When that day comes, I've found a couple of gallons of ice cream, a package of oreos, and a bag of Reeses cups makes a great tasting ice cream cake!! Til then check out the pics on this site...might stir some creativity. Enjoy!
I'm out here. I've also made lots of unique cakes for my twin boys. The one just loves frogs and the other loves bowling. I made these two cakes for their 9th birthday. Wish I could show pic here, but you need to follow this link on my personal website to check them out. The boys loved them!
Check out my blog at:
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